
TM-Utilities Help

Explore Radio Buttons

The radio buttons display and change the state of the Explore Snapshot window. Their actions and states are integrated with the rest of the window's user interface to correct errors and display valid information.

The home and root folders are treated as starting anchors of the directory tree, clearing the list of previous folders.

Displays the home folder of User Name. The list of previous folders is cleared.
If the user of the computer running TM-Utilities does not have permission to view this folder, a permission denied error is reported, and the radio buttons revert to the previous state.
Displays the root directory of the snapshot volume. The list of previous folders is cleared.
Makes the Path text field first responder and positions the cursor at the end.
Displaying a valid Path text field entry (not root or home folder) will set the other button. Selecting a new folder in either browser (single column or multi-column) will also set the other button.
Selecting "other" while "home" or "root" is selected will revert the radio buttons to the previous selection to remain consistent with the rest of the window. This is considered an "invalid operation".
Selecting "other" while "new" is selected will reload the previous folder. The radio buttons will reflect this context ("home", "root", or "other").
Clears the single column browser and Path text field. The Path text field becomes the first responder.
After selecting "new", a new path may be manually entered. If there is an open Finder window for the same snapshot, a file or folder item from the Finder window may be dragged to the Path text field.

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