
TM-Utilities Help

Explore Action Buttons

If the Path text field represents a valid folder, its contents are displayed. Otherwise, Path is replaced with the previous valid folder. The root folder is displayed if the Path text field is empty.
The previous valid folder is displayed. If there is no previous folder, the window is reset based on the default user name.
The folder in the Path text field (if valid) or the current folder is displayed in a multi-column browser.
A Finder window of the current folder is created. Finder windows persist until closed manually, Snapshots is reset, or TM-Utilities is terminated.
Finder windows are not well labeled unless the path bar along the bottom of the window is toggled ON. Use the Finder View Menu or the key combination "option-command-p" to switch the toggle (or toggle the switch, if you prefer).
If the current folder is the root directory, an error is reported in the message center.
Otherwise, the Restore Snapshot window is opened, and analysis of the folder to be restored is started.
Closes the the Restore Snapshot window if it is open. Otherwise, the Explore Snapshot window is closed.

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