
TM-Utilities Help

TM-Utilities Structure

If Time Machine is set up (not required to run TM-Utilities), destination information is automatically loaded, and the Snapshot Selection window is displayed. Destination information may also be entered manually in the Preferences Panel or by reading a Time Machine property list file.

The Preferences Panel appears when starting TM-Utilities if Time Machine is not set up. It is also accessed with the Application Menu. The Snapshot Selection window appears when destination information is set.

The three phases of TM-Utilities are listed and described below:

Snapshot Selection
A snapshot can be described as the state of the backup source at a specific date and time. A single snapshot may be selected for the explore and restore phases.
TM-Utilities does not modify the backup files unless the user is root. The root user has the additional ability to delete the oldest snapshots.
Snapshot Exploration
The entire directory hierarchy of the snapshot is available for exploration. A single file or single folder (other than the root directory) may be easily selected as the source for restoration in the next phase, described below.
Snapshot Restoration
By default, files and folders are restored to a folder in the user's home folder named after the snapshot. The destination folder can be changed manually or by browsing the computer with a modal panel.

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